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Lacznik (Liaison) (1965)



Lithograph in colors. Published by Maeght Editeur

22 1/4 x 14 3/4 in 56.5 x 37.5 cm

Estimate: € 467 $ 505 ₿ 0.0083 ⧫ 0.1515 £ 396 ¥ 3,671 ₪ (ILS) 1,902 KR (SEK) 5,294 CHF 455 $ CA 688 - € 654 $ 707 ₿ 0.0117 ⧫ 0.212 £ 554 ¥ 5,140 ₪ (ILS) 2,662 KR (SEK) 7,412 CHF 637 $ CA 964 (PLZ 2,000 - PLZ 2,800 )
Mourlot. Maeght. Modernism
From 26 jun 2024 to 10 jul 2024
Online only
Monog. Dated "VK | 32" lower left