Mixed mediaType of Artwork
Original artworkCertificate issued by
galerie bruno massaSignature
versoSize of the artwork
79 x 117 x 4 cm(31.1 x 46.06 x 1.57 in)
Invoice issued by
galerie bruno massaCondition
excellentArtwork description
Fusako EKUNI
Into the Light(2013)
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Title: Into the light
Year: 2013
Technique: cotton, panel, pigment, glue & water
Size: 79 x 117 x 4 cm
Born in 1947 in Yokohama, Japan
Lives & works in Tokyo, Japan
Fusako Ekuni is graduated from Musashino Art University, Faculty of Visual Communication Design and Musashino Gakuen, the faculty of Japanese Art Style Painting.
Into the Light by John K. Grande
A great contemplative, an artist who fuses light with colour, Fusako Ekuni has taken on the challenge of projecting our soul’s eternal perceptual connectivity to something very simple – light. Colours are treated with an instinct, the ritual inherent to Fusako Ekuni’s paintings involve the physics of the process itself. The slow process, the seeming point of emergence or disappearance these perpetual, eternal, changeable colour flows embody are less like paintings than beatific slow motion reifications of the physics of life…