Type of Artwork
Original artwork
Certificate issued by
Nicolas Badout
lower left
Size of the artwork
90 x 90 x 0.2 cm(35.43 x 35.43 x 0.08 in)
Invoice issued by
Paragone Concept-Nicolas Badout
Artwork description

By making fun of the images of North Korean propaganda, and by taking up the codes of
Rap US, the artist makes fun of the life of big tough - thug - led by Kim Jong-un, the nice
dictator “son of”.
Between a hypersonic missile launch in the Sea of Japan and a sumptuous banquet, “Kimy“
burns life at both ends and lives dangerously. Fortunately, the Party organizes
photo sessions with the fans to decompress!

En tournant en dérision les images de la propagande nord-coréenne, et en reprenant les codes du
Rap US, l’artiste se moque de la vie de gros dur — thug — que mène Kim Jong-un, le gentil
dictateur “fils de”.
Entre un lancement de missile hypersonique en mer du Japon et un fastueux banquet, “Kimy“
brûle la vie par les deux bouts et vit dangereusement. Heureusement que le Parti organise des
séances photos avec les fans pour décompresser !

Nicolas BADOUT

Thug Life(2022)

Ad #2629937
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