Cio ZANETTA - Untitled

Artist The prices of Cio ZANETTA / All the artworks on the Marketplace
Type of Artwork Multiple
Year 1996
Category Print-Multiple
Medium Engraving
Number and/or edition Print P.d.A. (PROVA D'ARTISTA)
Signature Hand signed
Size of the artwork
5.51 x 5.12 in
14 x 13 cm
Certificate issued by teo zanetta (son of the artist)
Invoice issued by teo zanetta (son of the artist)
Condition good condition

For sale is an original work by the Ticino artist Cio Zanetta (1946-2021).


Note: unframed, to be framed

Technique: Print P.d.A. (PROVA D'ARTISTA)

Measures: 13X14
Year: 1996
Painted by Cio Zanetta (#614)

If you are interested in his works, very different techniques in 42 years of career in Switzerland and abroad, you can see them on the official website created after his passing in the COLLECTION menu.

You will also find his biographical history, reviews, articles and the list of 51 exhibitions held from 1979 to 2015.

Many of his works can be found in public and private collections in Switzerland, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Greece and America.

Lot # 2792077
Seller status Private seller
Cost Shipping and delivery to be paid for by the buyer
Deliver to addressee in person Delivery to the addressee in person within 100 km
Insurance No
Number of parcels 1
Additional information

Local collection (area 6900 Lugano, Ticino/SWISS), or worldwide shipping to be paid by the buyer

Auction ends on 12 Jul 2024 06:00
In process
300 €
300 € (322 $)
300 € (254 £)
300 € (2,337 ¥)