In the News…

AI Weiwei recovered his passport and his freedom of movement, Damien HIRST opened his own gallery, Anish KAPOOR excelled in his monumental confrontation with Versailles, Christopher WOOL and Peter DOIG emerged as the stars of the major Contemporary art sales… But the major event of the year is the 56th edition of the Venice Biennale, a perfect opportunity for artists to gain exposure to an international audience.

Highly respected, the Venice Biennale is the oldest art fair (since 1895) and the largest global event for Contemporary art. The Nigerian Okwui Enwezor, curator of the 56th edition (9 May to 22 November 2015), has put together a mammoth selection: 136 artists over 11,000 square meters, and more than 89 participating countries in the different pavilions, not to mention the dozens of parallel off shows. As one of the art world’s primary ecosystems, the Biennale is an excellent opportunity for artists to get themselves noticed. Here is a selection of those whose contributions were among the most publicized.

Art and politics

Major artistic events are not the only career boosters on the art market: some media attention and subsequent price increases are triggered by an artist’s political activism. This past year, AI WeiweiTania BRUGUERA.

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